Welcome. My name is Ariana and I work as a medical assistant at an army base. My main job is to make sure that there are no hidden health risks for our seemingly fit army personnel. One of the biggest issues I uncover is eyesight problems. I have discovered that a lot of people think that there is no need to visit an optometrist unless their eyes are sore or vision is blurry. This myth can be found in the army too. In the course of my work, I have learnt that many eye problems have no symptoms for a long time. I am always encouraging family and friends to go for annual eye checks. I have become so passionate about this issue that I started this blog to explain how optometrists can help you keep the best vision possible. Please scan through my entries. Enjoy.
29 December 2015
If there's one thing that optometrists around the world have trouble making their patients understand, it's the importance of giving your eyes a chance to breathe by having your contact lenses out for at least a few hours a day. Unfortunately, the convenience of contacts means that many wearers will keep them in all day every day, a practice that can ultimately lead to harm. Understanding the Contact Lens